Metatarsus Adductus
What is metatarsus adductus?
Metatarsus adductus is a congenital condition where the metatarsal bones lean inward, rather than being straight. When looking at the bottom of the foot, a "C" shape can be seen. It is believed that the position of the feet in the womb can cause it, however there may also be a family history of the condition. If left untreated, metatarsus adductus can cause intoeing.
How can a Chiropodist help?
A Chiropodist can evaluate the foot for metatarsus adductus, assess the biomechanics and gait of a foot with untreated metatarsus adductus, recommend bracing, serial casting, or manipulations, provide information on proper footwear and in some cases prescribe custom foot orthotic.
The information provided is intended for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for a proper medical evaluation. Treatment options will vary from person to person.
Metatarsus adductus is a congenital condition where the metatarsal bones lean inward, rather than being straight. When looking at the bottom of the foot, a "C" shape can be seen. It is believed that the position of the feet in the womb can cause it, however there may also be a family history of the condition. If left untreated, metatarsus adductus can cause intoeing.
How can a Chiropodist help?
A Chiropodist can evaluate the foot for metatarsus adductus, assess the biomechanics and gait of a foot with untreated metatarsus adductus, recommend bracing, serial casting, or manipulations, provide information on proper footwear and in some cases prescribe custom foot orthotic.
The information provided is intended for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for a proper medical evaluation. Treatment options will vary from person to person.